VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Valley City Public School Board approved the hire of Jackie Cordie as the new business manager for the school district beginning on July 1, 2022.
According to the news release, Jackie Cordie currently serves as the administrative assistant at Jefferson Elementary and will bring an extensive background in banking and finance, most recently serving as branch manager from 2017-2021 at First Community Credit Union in Valley City.
Schools Superintendent Josh Johnson said the selection committee unanimously supported the hiring of Cordie.
School Board President Ryan Mathias stated “Jackie will bring a wealth of knowledge to the position from her background in the financial world. With Jackie beginning July 1, she will need to hit the ground running going into the 2022-23 school year.”
Jackie Cordie expressed “I am beyond grateful to be Valley City Public School’s new business manager. I envision adding value for the school district as I utilize my past experiences to help the school succeed now and in the future. I am blessed with a team that has embraced and welcomed me at Jefferson Elementary. I look forward to working alongside an additional group of great people.”
Johnson said Cordie will replace current business manager Tom Vanorny who will be retiring from the school district after 44 years in education. Johnson said Vanorny will retire, but will retain a part-time position briefly to assist in the transition process.