JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Officials with the Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge came before the Stutsman County Commission about a proposed land purchase adjacent to their property.
Refuge Manager Paul Helko says the land is immediately adjacent to the Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge.
The land would be purchased from Kent and Sherry Florhaug and added to the National Wildlife Refuge System.
Kent says he approached the refuge a year ago about selling the land to the refuge.
Florhuag says the land is highly requested to use by hunters and has plenty of opportunity to add on to the wildlife refuge.
The purchase for Fish & Wildlife Service would provide potential for high quality wildlife habitat, facilities management efficiency, and connectivity to existing grazing systems.
If approved, the land would be restored to a high diversity native seeding to benefit pollinators, migratory birds and resident wildlife species. The property would also be open to the public for hunting, photography and wildlife observation.
The property would also be utilized for scientific research and educational opportunities.
The commission tabled a decision to allow for more time to review the proposal.