
(NAFB) – The United Soybean Board released results of a new survey highlighting consumer perceptions of U.S. soybeans, soybean farmers, and the American food supply chain.

The survey shows consumer support of domestic agriculture continues to grow stronger, with 78 percent of consumers saying it’s important to buy U.S.-grown food, including soybeans. The 78 percent is an eight-percent increase from the last survey in December 2020. Other highlights from the study include U.S. farmers being the most trusted source when it comes to food safety, with 83 percent of consumers ranking them number one among members of the supply chain.

The vast majority of consumers have a very/somewhat positive view of U.S. farmers who grow crops, including soybeans. Soy is seen as healthy by more than half of consumers, with 60 percent saying that soy-based food is somewhat/very healthy. 72 percent of respondents are more positive about soy because of its sustainability.