(NAFB) – The annual report recording nationwide grain dust bin explosions reported seven incidents in 2021, down from eight in 2020.
Kingsly Ambrose, Purdue University associate professor and author of the report, says that despite the decrease in explosions from the previous year, one fatality and five injuries were reported. The ten-year average for explosions stands at 8.0, down from 8.1 in 2020. The explosions occurred in one feed mill, one ethanol plant, one grain mill and four grain elevators. The probable ignition sources were identified as one case of a fire, two incidences of smoldering grain, while four cases were from unknown sources.
The dust explosions occurred in six different states, with two occurring in Minnesota, one in Georgia, one in Idaho, one in Indiana, one in Iowa and one in Oregon. Ambrose says keeping good maintenance of equipment to ensure proper working order and properly training workers are measures to help eliminate grain dust explosions.