VALLEY CITY, N.D. (WITWIGO) – A presentation titled “Fighting Climate Change Through Electric Vehicles and Legislation” will be held on Monday, February 28 at 7 pm at Vangstad Auditorium on the Valley City State University campus in Valley City, ND. The event is sponsored by “What in the World Is Going On?”(WITWIGO.)
Paul Jensen will be the speaker. Jensen is the owner and partner of Green Way Energy, LLC and works as an advisor for fleet owners and local governments who are considering changing to less intensive CO2 fueling sources such as electrical vehicle charging, CNG, and propane autogas. Jensen has 45 years of energy industry experience, on power generation transmission, and distribution segments of the Utility Industry. He spent 25 of those years with Asea Brown Boveri corporation, a multinational Fortune 500 company. He has extensive experience in alternative fuels, electric vehicles, etc. and is a member of Fargo Citizen’s Local Energy Action Network (CLEAN).
Americans drive a lot, hence cars and trucks are a significant contributor to greenhouse gases. Jensen will discuss how bad global warming really is, and how switching to electric vehicles is imperative to reduce global warming. He will also discuss how the recently-passed infrastructure bill can be part of the climate solution. And he will give a brief summary of what is in the proposed Build Back Better legislation.
This presentation is the first in a series of four climate change presentations “What in the World Is Going On?” will be sponsoring this spring. Upcoming presentations include:
*Monday, March 21: The role of wetlands and oceans in climate change to be presented by Olivia Johnson from USGS and Michelle Abshire, assistant professor of science at VCSU;
*Monday, April 4: Project Tundra-Can it reduce climate change? Presented by Sonja Kaye with a degree in Environmental Studies and board member of the Dakota Resource Council;
*Monday, April 25: Can ND be carbon neutral by 2030? Governor Burgum’s Plan (tentative).
These three programs will be held at the Auditorium in the Rhoades Science building on the VCSU campus, all at 7 pm.
“What in the World Is Going On?” is a campus-community group jointly sponsored by VCSU’s Departments of Science and Social Science. The organization was begun shortly after 9/11/01 for the purpose of addressing issues of local, national and international importance. For more information call 701-845-7321 or like them on FaceBook.
Feature photo: Paul Jensen, the owner and partner of Green Way Energy, LLC.