VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The first Hunter Education class will be held Tuesday, February 22nd in the Rhoades Science Center in Room 102 from 6pm to 9:30pm. You have to attend all five classes to pass. Additional classes will be held February 24th, 28th and March 1st & 3rd. Social distancing and face masks are encouraged.
Online registration is required prior to attending the class. Interested students can register at www.gf.nd.gov
Anyone requiring special accommodations should contact the North Dakota Game and Fish Department at 701-328-6300 two weeks prior to the beginning of the class in Valley City.
*The previous story had incorrect dates. The correct dates of the class are February 22nd, 24th & 28th. The final two classes will be held March 1st and 3rd.*