
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown/Stutsman Development Corporation (JSDC) Existing Business Committee received the latest regarding utilities to proposed development sites in Jamestown.

A preliminary engineering report generated by Interstate Engineering shows areas of potential development that would require additional city water and sanitary sewer.

JSDC Business Development Director Corry Shevlin says the report is part of the ongoing housing study and features five potential sites for development.

Sites included in the report include:

Beverly Hills Sixth Addition
Horizon Estates First Addition & Schumacher Acres
Loose Bypass Subdivision
Looysen Scenic View Estates
The Meadows Addition

Shevlin says this was meant to create a starting point for the City of Jamestown if the JSDC were to provide their services. The report outlines existing infrastructure in the five specified areas and work that would be required for additional housing and development.

To conduct all proposed improvements for future development, Interstate Engineering estimates a total of $6.18 million to follow through all recommendations for the five areas.

Committee member and city representative Dave Steele stated the study will be beneficial to the city and future, interested developers.

The JSDC appropriated $25,000 for the study. You can view the full report by clicking here.