
VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Valley City is a Public Power City and we are a “winter peaking city”. That means we use more power in the winter than in summer which is different than most.

Two-thirds of our power, 12 to 13 megawatts (MWH), is WAPA hydropower and is less expensive. One-third of our power comes from Missouri River Energy Systems (MRES) and is more expensive. Picture a wavy line on a graph. If we can take the bigger waves out and have a more level line, our costs remain lower. If we have a wave that is too high, we have a demand charge and that can cost about 10,000.00 per MWH.

How can we help? Our peak demands begin about 6:30 AM, 11:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Each of these times can extend for an hour to a couple hours. During said times, cooking demands significant power, so please refrain from drying clothes or other high demand tasks until in between peak times. Thank you.

*Correction: I made a mistake last week so please accept my apology. Referring to COVID-19, the sentence read, “…..please respect it as it is still attacking the unvaccinated.” While true, there are numerous “breakthrough” cases as well. I omitted that vaccinated people seem to have milder symptoms and comprise only 0.0337% of those hospitalized and 2.454% of those infected as reported by the City County Health District (CCHD) on 1/21/22.*

“Your life is a gift from the Creator, your gift back to the Creator is what you do with your life.” (Billy Mills)

Blessings, Respect, Kindness and Prayers.

Dave Carlsrud

Valley City Mayor