VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Jonah Is a senior and wrestles at 220lbs for the Hi-Liners
He is the son of Ken and Stephanie Schuldheisz, and has 3 brothers Benji, Stephan and Isaiah and 2
sisters Bethany and Rebecca.
Jonah had a great week of wrestling. In the Hi-Liners 3 duals over this week, Jonah beat opponents from
WF Sheyenne, Fargo South, and West Fargo, all by pin.
Additionally, at the Storhaug tournament in Lisbon the week prior, Jonah picked up his 100th career win.
Jonah is an exceptional student athlete for the Hi-Liners. He currently has 4.0 GP and is on the A honor
roll. His favorite sports are Baseball, Wrestling, Football and Golf.
In his free time, Jonah likes to fish, lift weights and play video games. His favorite class is Construction,
his favorite food is spaghetti and his favorite video game is Rocket League.
Jonah’s most memorable wrestling moment was the Hi-Liners placing 2nd in team duals last year at
The wrestler of the week is sponsored by Farmers Union Insurance -Kirk Olson and Tyler