
VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – On January 29th, the Valley City High School Hi-Liner Speech Team competed at North Sargent. This tournament was a successful one for the Hi-Liners as they qualified 7 additional entries to the State tournament in April. The sweepstakes awards are as follows: Valley City – 1st, Enderlin – 2nd, Jamestown – 3rd. Both class A and class B teams were present. In the case where 1st and 2nd place are taken by one class A entry and one class B entry, both students State qualify. This is known as an “A/B Split”. “Top Novice” indicates that the student was the highest scoring 7th/8th grader or first year 9th grade competitor. Individual Results for the Hi-Liners are as follows:

Serious: Cassie Mundal (8th)

Humorous Duo: Leah Hochhalter/Teddy Hochhalter (7th), Jerrica Eldridge/Ben Kruta (1st – Champions – State Qualifying)

Extemporaneous Speaking: Abby Redfearn (2nd), Madi Klabo (1st – Champion – Previously State Qualified)

EPR: Alyssa Wilmes (Top Novice), Emmy Jones (6th), Morgan Jenner (1st – Champion – State Qualified)

Speech to Entertain: Katy Borg (3rd), Gabriel Herzog (1st – Champion – State Qualified)

Speech to Persuade: Abby Wilmes (Top Novice), Alyssa Wilmes (6th), Abby Redfearn (1st – Champion – State Qualified)

Speech to Inform: Emmy Jones (2nd – State Qualified – A/B Split)

Dramatic: Alexis Wobbema (5th) , Madi Klabo (2nd)

Serious Duo: Abby Wilmes/Alyssa Wilmes (Top Novice), Morgan Jenner / Emmy Jones (5th), Alexis Wobbema/ Cassie Mundal (4th), Abby Redfearn/ Madi Klabo (1st – Champions – Previously State Qualified)

Storytelling: Gabriel Herzog (4th)

Radio Broadcasting: Carter Hass (6th), Josephina Spengler (5th), Katy Borg (4th)

Humorous: Jerrica Eldridge (2nd – State Qualified – A/B Split)

Impromptu: Madi Klabo (2nd), Abby Redfearn (1st – Champion – State Qualified)

The Hi-Liners will compete this weekend on Saturday (2/5) at West Fargo High School.