BISMARCK, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Interim Agriculture Committee will be meeting February 11 to discuss the operations of the North Dakota Beef Commission and the US Fish and Wildlife Service Easements. If you have any input or would like to testify please feel free to contact me. The meeting can also be viewed online at https://video.legis.nd.gov
You are also able to testify remotely.
For December 2021, tax and fee general fund revenues were more than the forecast by approximately $16 million or 16 percent. Of this amount, sales and use tax collections were more than the forecast by $6 million or 10 percent and corporate income tax collections were more than the forecast by $9 million or 52 percent. For the biennium-to-date through December 2021, tax and fee general fund revenues are approximately $119 million, or 12 percent more than the forecast.
The Human Services met on January 11th and discussed the following topics:
The transition to a new vendor for the Medicaid Expansion program and an update regarding the federal COVID-19 public health emergency, including program and funding changes when the health emergency ends.
Pharmacy services provided through the Medicaid program, including high-cost drugs.
The federal Medicaid 1915(i) state plan amendment, including recent changes to the amendment.
Youth shelter and residential facilities.
The integration of the departments.
The status of the development of a revised payment methodology for basic care facilities pursuant to Section 60 of House Bill No. 1012 (2021)
An update on the status of the development of a process for the payment of indirect costs to human service zones and the status of developing a process to transition human service zone employees to state employment.
If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me.
Now is the time to draft new legislation for the next session. Please contact me with any concerns or ideas.
Valley City District 24 Representative Dwight Kiefert