VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Sue and I watched a feature on Ernie Banks “Mr. Cub”, a truly good man. If you know of Ernie and your family or friends don’t, perhaps they’d enjoy googling him. He was one of the first tall, power-hitting shortstops before playing first base and would often say, “It’s a beautiful day, let’s play two”.
I “dropped the ball” and apologize to our Law Enforcement Community as January 9th annually is Law Enforcement Appreciation Day and I missed it. L Please thank Law Enforcement Folks when you see them as they do great jobs for us.
Gosh, once winter arrived, it brought gobs of pretty white snow! With this volume of snow, several challenges and dangers surface. Clearing the streets usually takes city crews 36 to 40 hours if all goes well. The vehicles on the streets slow plows causing more snow to be left around them. It takes a certain degree of speed to plow snow effectively so please use off-street parking when possible.
With the snow being piled higher and the roads becoming icier, safe driving requires our full attention. Please be safe, Do NOT “TEXT and DRIVE”.
January 2nd our state had 1526 active COVID-19 cases and January 15th there were 8540. Barnes County also has very high numbers, 76 on the 15th. Be vaccinated for your family, your friends and your own safety.
Thank you to contributors again this week.
“Champions keep playing until they get it right. Then they play more.”
(Billie Jean King)
Blessings, Respect, Kindness and Prayers.
Dave Carlsrud
Mayor of Valley City