(NAFB) – The Environmental Protection Agency this week issued seven-year registrations for two herbicide products, Enlist Duo and Enlist One.
The new product labels incorporate robust control measures to protect non-target plants and animals, according to the EPA. Both products were set to expire in January. The new control measures include prohibiting Enlist product application when rainfall is expected to occur within 48 hours and when soil can no longer absorb water, and prohibiting irrigation that would result in runoff within 48 hours of application.
EPA will also require mandatory education and training materials that emphasize the importance of pollinators and pollinator habitats. Other measures include minimizing Enlist product application when soybean and cotton crops are in bloom to reduce risks to insect pollinators, such as honey bees, and prohibiting use in counties where EPA identified risks to on-field listed species that use corn, cotton or soybean fields for diet and/or habitat.