(NAFB) – President Biden and Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack tried to reassure American Farm Bureau members that the administration has their back.
The Hagstrom Report says that, in a short video, the president assured the mostly Republican-leaning members that America needs farmers “three times a day.”
Biden also pointed out that farmers deserve affordable inputs and the right to repair their equipment. Secretary Vilsack says that while ag exports have grown, challenges remain.
Vilsack says that support for trade among Americans needs to get restored, adding that, “We’re going to enforce the agreements that we have. That’s the first step in rebuilding trust.”
Exports to China have grown, but he says the Asian nation is “$16 billion light” under their commitment to making purchases. Vilsack also told the Farm Bureau convention that he was pleased by a USMCA trade panel that concluded Mexico was not living up to the dairy provisions.