(NAFB) – American Farm Bureau successfully campaigned last year against changes to the stepped-up basis provision in estate tax law.
Now, Farm Bureau President Zippy Duvall asked members to put that same energy level into the Biden administration’s proposed changes to the Trump Waters of the United States rule. The administration wants to go back to an earlier rule that Farm Bureau says will bring the heavy hand of the federal government onto farmers’ lands.
“We need that same energy and passion when it comes to WOTUS,” Duvall said during an address at the group’s annual convention. “It is critical that this administration understands that we shouldn’t need a team of lawyers and consultants just to farm our land.”
Courtney Briggs, a senior director of congressional relations, says, “Farm Bureau liked the Trump rule because it created a clear line between what’s in and what’s out.”
Members are urged to send comments to the EPA before February 6.