VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Barnes County Historical Society has returned their popular lecture series.
“Our annual lecture series is a tradition that began in 1998 by Dr. Robert Kibbler, then of VCSU, and we’re proud to say it has continued this long with so many wonderful presentations covering a wide variety of topics over the years,” Spokesman Wes Anderson stated. “COVID threw a monkey-wrench into the works of everything in 2020 and Season 21 was put on hold. With the uncertainties of 2021 we didn’t even plan for a season. BUT, for 2022 we’re going to try to get things restarted again and pick up where we left off. Mark your calendars now but also note that things are subject to change as the circumstances with COVID do.”
The Barnes County Historical Society Lecture Series Season 21 Presents: Seth Cox, Dakota Specialty Milling “Baking 101: Baking Science for the Home Baker.” 7PM Thursday, January 20, 2022, at the Barnes County Historical Society Museum located at 315 Central Ave N in downtown Valley City.
Baking 101: Baking Science for the Home Baker will cover the history of wheat (and other grains), milling, and baking including the evolution of all of these. We’ll learn about the function of ingredients and the why behind the processing of ingredients and baking. Basic formulation and how to balance the ingredients and baking will be discussed. Baking with whole grains and nutritional concerns associated with baked goods will be discussed. There will be time for questions and answers during the presentation and afterward.
Seth Cox has spent 40 years in milling and baking science with a focus on the science and the development of new products. Currently, he is working in Fargo as director of research for Dakota Specialty Milling that provides the world with milled grain products and baking blends from wheat bran to Fonio and has worked as a director of Quality Assurance and Research starting in 1982 beginning with baking mixes from biscuits, to quick breads, to Low Carb Hot Pockets. Most recently Seth worked as a Baking Science instructor for the American Institute of Baking (AIB).
“The public is cordially invited. Due to COVID, we’re requesting appropriate masks be worn at this time, please,” Anderson added.
All Lectures are at the Barnes County Historical Society Museum and held in conjunction with Valley City State University. They are free and open to the public.
For more information contact Wes Anderson at 701-845-0966