
VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – Nearly $65 thousand was raised during the 2021 Barnes County Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign.

Campaign chairman Lee Isensee said the generosity of the Barnes County Community is a blessing. He said thanks to your donations, several families in the community will receive help for rent, heat, gas, and groceries. He also said since October of 2021 they have seen an uptick in the number of homeless people in this area.

Isensee said $77 thousand was raised during the 2020 campaign and more than $78 thousand was raised during the 2019 Barnes County Salvation Army Red Kettle campaign. The full interview with Lee Isensee is available below.

Isensee thanked Leevers Foods and Petro Serve U.S.A. for allowing bell ringers to work inside their businesses during the Red Kettle Campaign.