
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (FCCU) – For more than 20 years First Community Credit Union (FCCU) has provided college scholarships to its members. FCCU announces that they’re now accepting scholarship applications for graduating high school seniors and will award approximately $48,000 in scholarships this year. 

The credit union will award nine $4,000 scholarships and six $2,000 scholarships, which are $1,000 per year. There are 15 scholarships available for the following schools in which FCCU has branch locations: Bismarck State College, Cankdeska Cikana Community College, Concordia College, Lake region State College, Mayville State University, Minnesota State Community and Technical College, Minnesota State University Moorhead, North Dakota State College of Science, North Dakota State University, Northland Community and Technical College, University of Jamestown, University of Mary, University of Minnesota Crookston, University of North Dakota and Valley City State University.

In addition, a limited number of individual one-year scholarships will be available to any college, university, or trade school of the student’s choice at the value of $1,000. 

“We are very excited to be able to offer multi-year scholarships to all of these schools this year,” said Janna Bergstedt, FCCU Scholarship foundation board member. She continues, “We’re proud of this program and the amazing opportunities it presents.”

For full details and to access the online application, visit their website at www.myfccu.com/scholarships. The deadline to submit is March 18, 2022. 

Over the past 25 years, FCCU has given out more than $400,000 in scholarships. The Board of Directors recognizes the importance of young people receiving a good education and wants to encourage young people to do their best. FCCU continues to do its part in providing incentives to help students reach their full potential. In 2014, First Community Credit Union created a program that supports our dedication to area communities by reinvesting in youth. FCCU donated $1 million into a scholarship foundation to provide additional scholarship dollars to graduating high school students.

The earnings from the foundation go to fund scholarship opportunities for members of the Credit Union for years to come.