“Cow Bison and Her Red Dog Calf” by Elizabeth Mordensky
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NBM) – The National Buffalo Museum is pleased to announce the purchase of one of contemporary wildlife artist Elizabeth Mordensky’s large-scale oil finger paintings for inclusion in the museum’s permanent collection.
Cow Bison and Her Red Dog Calf has been on exhibit at the Museum since July, along with two of Mordensky’s other works, painted specifically for exhibit in the museum’s space. Mordensky’s pieces have been catching the attention of in-person visitors and social media followers since they were introduced this summer. After enjoying the works for several months, the museum’s Visitor Experience and Collection’s Committee and Board of Directors voted to purchase Cow Bison and Her Red Dog Calf from the artist.
“Mordensky’s work is a great fit for the museum,” National Buffalo Museum Executive Director Ilana Xinos said. “This piece not only showcases her unique painting technique and adds to our growing collection of contemporary art, but also provides the museum with an interpretive opportunity to talk about the relationship between cow bison and their calves.”
All three of Mordensky’s pieces will be on view at the National Buffalo Museum until July 2022.
You can find out more about Mordensky and her work at her website (www.ElizabethMordenskyFineArt.com) and Instagram (@elizabeth.mordensky.fine.art).
The National Buffalo Museum’s mission is to advocate for the restoration of the North American Bison through education and outreach. For more information, contact Rachel Johnson at 701-252-8648 or collections@buffalomuseum.com.