VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Proof that “time heals”, I don’t remember the last time we had so much snow in one storm. Depending from where your reading comes, it seems we had 18-20 inches of snow. The nice part is, it makes for a beautiful scene in our part of the Sheyenne Valley.
The snow did make for some challenges of course. Our Public Works Crews had to wait for the storm to subside before snow removal could be effective. We didn’t get out of our driveway Monday and with the longer duration of the storm; our garbage is waiting to be picked up.
Puppy “poop” is easily seen in the white snow, please pick up your pet’s waste.
Kudos to our Public Works Crews as once snow removal began it was “all hands on deck”. Workers jumped in and worked wherever needed be it hauling snow, sanding or plowing. Once they began, long hours were worked and the city was pretty well cleaned in about forty hours, running time.
Over the weekend I went for a couple walks, warm clothes were needed, and I want to say thanks to all of you who have cleaned your sidewalks and driveways. It makes walking easier and much safer for mail carriers and delivery people so if you haven’t cleaned yours, please do.
VCPS and VCSU have fine arts and athletic competitions during this time of winter. Get out and watch the kids compete; it is warm in the venues.
“All you need is love; but a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.”
(Charles Schulz)
Blessings, Respect, Kindness and Prayers.
Valley City Mayor
Dave Carlsrud