
(NAFB) – Canada recently reported a case of atypical bovine spongiform encephalopathy in an eight-year-old beef cow on a farm in Alberta.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency notified the World Organization for Animal Health of the case. Canada says the detection and reporting of an atypical BSE case will not affect the OIE negligible risk status of Canada, and market access for Canadian animals and beef products should be unaffected. However, South Korea, the fourth-largest beef importer in the world, suspended imports of Canadian beef and is seeking more information before lifting the suspension, according to Reuters.

The case is atypical, meaning that it is a form of BSE that can occur naturally in older cattle, as opposed to classical BSE, caused by an animal eating contaminated feed. The cow was euthanized and did not enter the food system. The Canadian Government reports it is working with the beef industry to maintain the confidence of international trading partners.