JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Public Works Committee discussed the 2022 seal coat, patching, construction, and reconstruction for District No. 22-41 Thursday.
City Engineering Tech Justin Liebig informed the committee that nothing really sticks out as far as the project goes.
The committee unanimously approved to move forward with the project.
Discussion on the tree shredding agreement with Hanson Auto Crushing & Trucking Inc. was also discussed, with an expiring date of December 31st, 2025 to shred trees and yard waste debris at the landfill and transfer station at least once annually at a rate of $30 per ton.
Councilmember Dan Buchanan asked if the company would conduct shredding more than once in a year. City Administrator Sarah Hellekson stated:
The council moved to approve the agreement.
City Engineer Travis Dillman gave his report on the latest city projects, giving the committee the latest on Emergency Water Main Replacement that took place last Friday.
Councilmember Dave Steele gave kudos to the staff for quickly fixing the main and all the work that’s been done this past year.
Dillman added that they’re continuing to design the 2022 Water Main Improvement Project and construction is still being planned for North Dakota Highway 20 Mill and Overlay.
Steele also added that residents should start paying more attention to what they’re putting inside their recycling bins, stating the unnecessary costs were becoming a nuisance for the North Dakota Recycle staff and city of Jamestown.
In November this year alone, the city saw 111,213 pounds of recycling picked up.