
VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – ON THE MOVE is planning an Outdoor Adventure for February, date will be determined based on weather conditions. “This is a great time of year to get outside! Find your own way to get moving in our chilly winters. I am looking forward to our Outdoor Adventure with ON THE MOVE and this new event!” states Emma Tufte, ON THE MOVE program assistant at City County Health District. “The outdoor event will include activities for everyone including sledding, a snowman building area and an outdoor walking path along with cider and hot chocolate for warming up.”

Community BINGO will once again be offered all month long in March! The ON THE MOVE BINGO cards will focus on eating healthy, staying active and reducing stress. Completed cards that are turned in by the deadline will be eligible for a prize drawing. More information will be coming!

These winter activities are funded through a federal grant and 18 ON THE MOVE partner organizations. The managing partner for ON THE MOVE is City County Health District and other partners include CHI Mercy Health, NDSU Extension – Barnes County, Sanford Health – Valley City, Essentia Health, VC Chamber of Commerce, Tourism and Small Business, Open Door Center, City of Valley City, Ministerial Association, Abused Persons Outreach Center, Barnes County Senior Citizens, Valley City Public Schools, St. Catherine School, Valley City State University, Valley City Parks and Rec, SMP Health – St. Raphael’s, Barnes County Ambulance.

For more information about ON THE MOVE activities, call City County Health District at 845-8518 or go to

Feature photo: ON THE MOVE is excited to partner with the Optimist Club and promote roller skating for all ages in January. These two young children are having fun learning how to roller skate at the Rec Center Sunday nights.