(NAFB) – Six national farm and biofuel organizations want the Environmental Protection Agency to enact regulations that help facilitate year-round sales of E15 nationwide.
They’d like regulations that require lower-volatility conventional gasoline blend-stock in the summer. The groups say the move would result in lower tailpipe and evaporative emissions during the summer ozone control season and improve air quality.
In a letter to EPA Administrator Michael Regan, the groups say reducing the volatility of gasoline by just one pound per square inch would yield significant environmental benefits. They attached a new study using EPA modeling tools to the letter showing that reducing the vapor pressure of conventional gasoline blend-stock by 1 psi would be beneficial to air quality as carbon monoxide emissions, nitrogen oxides, and other volatile organic compounds would be reduced.
If the 1-psi waiver for E10 is eliminated and E10 is replaced with E15, it will also decrease greenhouse gases and particulate emissions.