
JAMESTOWN, N.D. ( – The City of Jamestown made several first readings of different ordinances and approved appointments to different boards Monday evening.

The city approved first readings of ordinances for separate franchise agreements between Jamestown and Midcontinent Communications, Daktel Communications, and Cable Services Inc.

In appointments, the city appointed Dr. Heidi Heim Larson to fill an unexpired term on the Central Valley Health District, Robert Hoekstra to fill an unexpired term on the Library Board, and Councilman David Steele to the Jamestown Regional Airport Authority.

In the Mayor and council member’s report, Mayor Dwaine Heinrich spoke on the recent Bison World project presentation. While he could not attend, he stated the operation as a 501c3 would allow the money generated by the project to be fed back into the Legacy Fund.

He added the economic impact for Jamestown, Stutsman County, and North Dakota would be great and thanked those who have worked on the project for the last two years.

Later, the council considered approving a stormwater easement agreement on University of Jamestown property next to the football stadium. Mayor Heinrich added this was merely putting an easement in place that wasn’t there.

The easement was unanimously approved by the council.

The city also considered approving the additional one-year renewal to December 31st, 2022 of the Volunteer Reintegration Agreement and Waiver for the James River Correctional Center (JRCC) volunteers on city projects.

Mayor Heinrich says the help they’ve gotten through the program has been appreciated.

Councilmember Dan Buchanan echoed his support of the program.

The renewal was unanimously approved.