(NAFB) – The National Corn Growers Association reminds producers to submit ballots for the Farm Service Agency county committee elections.
Voters should return their ballots to their FSA county office by Monday, December 6, or postmark mail-in ballots by the deadline. Committee members represent local farmers at the Department of Agriculture and play an important role in shaping FSA programs. Each committee has from three to 11 elected members who serve three-year terms of office, and at least one seat, which represents local administrative areas, is up for election each year.
Newly elected committee members will take office on January 1, 2022. Ballots were mailed to producers on November 1. USDA says it is crucial that every eligible producer take part in the election because county committees are a direct link between the farm community and USDA.
Eligible voters who do not receive a ballot in the mail can request one from their local Farm Service Agency county office.