VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Thanksgiving Day is Thursday, November 25th. Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate the harvest and Blessings of the past year. Please express your gratitude with family and friends.
Thanks to all of you who cleaned your sidewalks following the snow we had. It appears some hire snow removal and that is fine though some are leaving a pile of snow on the neighbor’s sidewalk. Please be good neighbors and have your contractor sweep/push excess snow off the sidewalk. Thank you.
Small Business Saturday is THIS Saturday, November 27th. The weather forecast is promising so make plans to visit some small businesses and “hang out” with folks uptown for a while.
Last week was American Education Week. When you see educators who are teaching our children and grandchildren, please tell them “thank you”.
It is time for “Santa, Cops and Kids”. Please contact the Valley City Police Department for further information at 845-3110.
For saving opportunities, see Bright Energy Solutions offered through our Electrical Dept. and MRES; www.brightenergysolutions.com
The best mitigation for COVID-19 is a vaccination. For we older folks who had vaccinations early, data shows it is important we have the booster as well. Me being vaccinated helps protect my family, friends and myself.
Blessings, Respect Others, Be Kind and Pray.
Dave Carlsrud
Mayor of Valley City, N.D.