Bismarck, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The special session for the North Dakota Legislature was called to order Monday morning at the capital in Bismarck. The main purpose of the special session is to decide what to do with up to a billion dollars in federal Covid-19 relief money and the states redistricting.
ND Gov. Doug Burgum opened the session this morning to give a “State of the State” address on how well the state is doing financially. Gov. Burgum announced that the state has a surplus of money in several areas including: A surplus of $412 million in general fund money and the budget stabilization fund has reached a new record high balance of $749 million.
Gov. Burgum said it was time to reinvest surplus money and federal dollars into the states workforce, economic development, and infrastructure. He also asked the legislature to provide tax relief to North Dakotans. He would like to see up to a $500 tax credit per tax filer for both the 2021 and 2022 tax year at a cost of $207 million.
Here is a portion of Gov. Burgum’s speech on tax credit’s: