VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Thursday, November 11th is Veteran’s Day. Thank a U.S. Veteran.
Jason Runge, VCPD, was presented the “North Dakota Highway Patrol Colonel’s Award of Excellence” and John Skalicky, NDHP, was presented the “North Dakota Highway Patrol Legion of Honor Medal”. Thank you to all our area Law enforcement people for all you do.
A fun note, our electrical power was on 100% of the time in October.
“No Shave November” for the “Access for All Campaign”. Good mental health is imperative; to learn more, contact Wendi Wilmes at wendi.wilmes@k12.nd.us.
If you haven’t driven past the VCFD to see the new overhead doors, please do and they are especially beautiful in the evening. The volunteer fire fighters purchased the doors with dollars generated from their fund raising projects. That the cost was “north” of $25,000.00, it is a great contribution to Valley City. A big “Thank you” to all, including spouses and significant others, involved with VCFD for “giving back”.
The local Salvation Army Kettle Campaign begins Tuesday November 23rd. To be assured your donation is credited locally, give at the kettles.
Blessings, Respect Others, Be Kind and Pray.
Dave Carlsrud
Mayor of Valley City