By Lucy Wyndham
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Covid-19 pandemic undoubtedly caught the world by surprise and left many businesses struggling.
North Dakota entrepreneurs were met with the same challenges, but some businesses in the area managed to thrive despite the sudden turn of events in 2020. According to 2021 statistics from the Office of Advocacy, North Dakota’s unemployment rate of 3.6% (2021) has dropped from 8.7% in 2020. This is an indication that businesses have learned to adapt to the hardships, and are using new strategies to help their ventures stay afloat.
When the pandemic began, some North Dakota restaurants and groceries opted not to shutter their doors completely. Instead, they chose to provide contact-free and pick-up options, home-shopping options, and have embraced delivery services. Two well-known businesses that have adapted to the times are Royal Liquors and Happy Harry’s Bottle Shops. These establishments, which sell wine and various types of liquor, are now offering delivery services to their customers.
In the coming years, it is expected that delivery services in the area will continue to flourish, and businesses are starting to gear up for the demand by using state-of-the-art technology. In April 2020, it was reported that Flytrex, a startup that uses drones to deliver food, goods, and medicine, has partnered with a few businesses in Grand Forks, North Dakota. During the pilot program, deliveries were made to homes who opted into Flytrex’s service. Industry experts believe that drones can limit contact between couriers and customers, which can curb the spread of the virus and other diseases.
Social Responsibility
Thriving businesses in North Dakota have been enforcing new protocols with their customers like proper cleaning procedures to create a healthy environment and supporting charitable causes. And despite the challenges that they’re facing, some establishments have made it a point to keep their staff working. Though some businesses had to resort to shortened hours for their employees, they make up for it through regular employee recognition, which is beneficial for mental health and productivity.
Furthermore, during the current pandemic, these businesses make it a mandatory requirement to put on a mask for one to be served. Doing so protects both the customers and employees. Most of them strictly adhere to the CDC guidelines such as observing social distance, regular washing of hands, and sanitizing. Shopping malls like West Acres Mall, Kirkwood Mall, and Dakota Square Mall ensure that these guidelines are strictly observed by both their employees and shoppers.
Good Communication
Most of these thriving businesses in North Dakota are transparent with their customers. They have achieved this through proper communication with both their customers and employees. Contact tracing, communicating proper hygiene practices, and heightening training protocols are some of the ways these thriving North Dakota businesses effectively communicate with their employees.
Additionally, these businesses communicate in advance any changes that may affect their customers. These communications are essential in promoting understanding, building trust and loyalty in the community as well as keeping customers safe. Whatever the nature of the change, they make sure they pass it to their customers as soon as possible.
Owners of thriving North Dakota businesses have found new ways to adapt and diversify in these difficult times. They were able to come up with good solutions that would help their businesses in the long run, despite the lack of time or warning. These business owners also know how to utilize the existing resources and adjust to the current environment. For instance, a textile mill like TSG, which specializes in cotton clothes, was quick to start producing face masks at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.
With the hardships that have come with the Covid-19 pandemic, North Dakota entrepreneurs were forced to be creative in solving their customer’s problems. This includes making their presence known in the online world and reaching clients in new ways. Superior Equipment & Supply is a good example of a company that decided to interact with their customers online.
If you utilize the outlined strategies that North Dakota entrepreneurs are using, there is no doubt that your business will survive tough times. It all starts with learning what successful businesses are doing.