By Brianna Mayhair
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (JRMC) – Wave of Light is a time for families who’ve experienced infant loss and miscarriage to share in their sorrow and support each other. Wave of Light is an international event, recognized in six countries.
This year’s event is set for Friday, Oct. 15 at 7 p.m. To reduce exposure, the event is held from the comforts of each individual’s home.
“Thirty years ago, if families experienced a miscarriage or infant death, they were told to forget it,” said Renae Lunde. Lunde is a registered nurse at Jamestown Regional Medical Center’s Family BirthPlace. She is also one of the event’s organizers. “Today, we encourage families to grieve in the way that best fits them.”
Wave of Light occurs each year on October 15. Participants are asked to burn a candle for at least one hour, resulting in a continuous chain of lighted candles throughout the globe on this day. If families need support year round, they may contact the Jamestown Area Grief Support Team.
The Jamestown Area Grief Support Team is a group of volunteers who offer to support to those who grieve. The group organizes regular educational events and support groups to the community.
Organizers invite the community to join the Facebook group, Jamestown ND Area Wave of Light. Anyone affected by infant loss from miscarriage, stillbirth or infant death in and around the Jamestown area is welcome.
For more information on Wave of Light, call (701) 952-4807 or visit jrmcnd.com. For more information on the Jamestown Area Grief Support Team, call (701) 952-9358 or visit JAGST.org.