VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Valley City Public School District held a public meeting to give a presentation on their “Exploring the Future of School Facilities”
Superintendent Josh Johnson stressed the importance of a community survey to gain input on the direction the school district should pursue in the future.
The surveys will be released to the community on October 20th and need to be completed by November 1st.
One proposal is to build a three story 4-12 campus with the Career Technical Education Center east of Hanna Field, including improvements to Jefferson Elementary School. The estimated cost, $55 to $65 million depending on the size of the structure.
Another proposal is to construct a K-12 school along I-94 east of Alliance Pipeline. Johnson said the land is owned by Stan Ryan and he told the district he would donate up to 20 acres. The estimated cost of that proposal has not been determined.
Johnson said if the public doesn’t approve of either proposal, the school district would be looking at spending between $10 to $23 million in renovations. The district is applying for a $10 million State Career and Technical Education Grant. The district has already received $3 million in a Federal American Relief Act Grant.
The school board will discuss these proposals following the completion of the community survey during a regular board meeting on November 10th.
Another public input meeting will be held Wednesday, October 13th at 7pm in the Valley City High School Theater.