JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Sushil Reddy and Luis Fourzan are biking more than 6,000 miles in the U.S. to showcase the power of solar energy.
On Monday, October 4th, they made a brief stop at the University of Jamestown.
Reddy is the founder of SunPedal Ride. He has a background in solar energy engineering and wanted to raise awareness on the need for collective efforts to combat climate change.

The solar energy powers the battery, which allows Reddy to travel upwards of 70 miles on a “good day.” Starting 115 day trip across the U.S. in South Carolina, Reddy says their final destination is Dallas, Texas.
The duo has completed 2,200 miles in 50 days.
Reddy added this is the longest trip he’s worked on after having completed several others around the world including India, France, and Iceland.
Reddy’s ride partner Luis Fourzan is joining him for their second ride together.
Fourzan says he’s hopeful the project spreads awareness and information while collecting data on what other cities are doing to tap into solar energy.
Reddy says when the trip is complete, they will analyze data including charges, stops, distance, and more.
For more information, visit thesunpedalride.com.