VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – What beautiful fall weather we have been experiencing and more is forecast this week. Try to get out and enjoy it before well, you know what comes next.
Did you ever think about being a “firefighter” when you were younger? There are opportunities available in our VCFD now. Check with Fire Chief Scott Magnuson or Assistant Chief Lance Coit at 701-845-3351, the VCFD may be a good fit for you.
COVID-19 is hospitalizing many unvaccinated people. Be safe, be vaccinated.
VCSU celebrated its Homecoming last weekend with a myriad of activities. Many VCSU Alumni and families returned to join in the festivities.
OFFICIATING: Have you wondered what it is like being a game official (referee)? There is a dire shortage of officials in our nation for numerous sports. North Dakota is no exception. The “total” number of officials isn’t too bad though there is great need in the rural areas. Becoming a game official is a great way of “giving back”. I will share that officiating is a very rewarding experience. Competing to make the right calls is exhilarating and the life long relationships with players, coaches, officials and fans are “priceless”. Ask an official about her/his experiences. Women & men alike, even if you think officiating is something you’d never do, please give it further thought. “Without officials, it is just a scrimmage”. For further information, call the NDHSAA @ 701-845-3953.
Blessings, Respect Others, Be Kind and Pray,
Dave Carlsrud
Mayor of Valley City