Jim and Susan Matthiesen with the Philanthropist of the Year Award. Photo: JRMC
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (JRMC) – JRMC Foundation recently announced Jim and Susan Matthiesen as this year’s Philanthropists of the Year.
The couple received the award at Jamestown Regional Medical Center’s Pillars of Giving event, which honors the extraordinary contributions of philanthropy and volunteerism.
JRMC Foundation accepts nominations of individuals, community partners and youth to be recognized for their contributions. Award winners and nominees are honored at the celebration.
“They are the personification of grace, gratitude, and giving,” said JRMC Administrative Assistant Cindy Tag Nygord, who nominated them for the award. “Whenever there was a way to give back, to make a difference, or to make someone’s day just a little brighter, Susan was sure to find it. She positively impacts the people and organizations she touches.”
The Matthiesens helped drive support at JRMC for events like GOLF “fore” ANGELS and Employee Giving. They ensured others participated too by sponsoring teams for staff and auction items. Their giving isn’t confined to JRMC. As a member of the Sertoma Club, Susan provided hearing aids and services to the hearing impaired. The Matthiesens gifts also benefit animals at the James River Humane Society and children at St. John’s Academy.
Susan started as the JRMC Audiologist in 1996 and retired in 2019 She was always among the first to step up and say, “How can I help?” Her actions earned her a JRMC Legend Award in 2018. The Legend Award is the most prestigious distinction awarded to a JRMC employee. The Legend Award recognizes employees who exceed expectations and make THE difference in the lives of those they serve.
“Susan and Jim have been our dearest friends since meeting them in 2002. They both have a genuine giving nature that is inspiring. Susan never missed an opportunity to help someone and preferred no recognition for the same. It’s giving from the heart,” said Marty (Cindie) Richman, past Jamestown Hospital CEO.
“There is no one more deserving of being recognized for their generosity than Matthiesens,” said JRMC Foundation Director Lisa Jackson. “They find it hard to accept the accolades because that’s not what drives their passion. They truly care about appreciating and caring for others.”
At Pillars of Giving, JRMC also recognized the following for their support:
Philanthropist of the Year – Jim and Susan Matthiesen
Community Difference Partner – JRMC Auxiliary
Outstanding Seedling – Medina FFA
Legendary Volunteer – Joyce Roorda
Auxilian of the Year – Marlene Axtman
Volunteer of the Year – Judy Olin