JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NDDOT) – Law enforcement agencies across the state participated in the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over enforcement campaign from August 20 to September 6, 2021 to deter motorists from driving impaired.
Of the 108 alcohol or drug-related citations issued, there were 37 driving under the influence (DUI) arrests. Alcohol-related charges also include 21 arrests or citations for minor in consumption, minor in possession and open container. This enforcement period also resulted in 28 drug-related arrests.
Approximately one in seven adult arrests in North Dakota in 2020 were for DUI. Alcohol and drug-related motor vehicle crashes, fatalities and arrests are 100% preventable. Every driver and vehicle occupant can help meet the state’s goal of zero motor vehicle fatalities and serious injuries by taking personal responsibility when traveling. This means wearing a seat belt at all times, transporting children in child passenger safety seats appropriate for the child’s age, height and weight, driving distraction-free, driving sober and obeying all posted speed limits.
High-visibility enforcement for traffic safety is one element of a collaborative effort to eliminate vehicle deaths in North Dakota.
Learn more about safety initiatives at VisionZero.ND.gov or join the conversation on the Vision Zero ND Facebook or Twitter page. View memorials of individuals who lost their life due to an impaired driver on the North Dakota Crash Memorial Wall.