FARGO, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The North Dakota Stockmen’s Association (NDSA) recognized four employees for their long-time service to the state’s livestock industry during a special awards ceremony at the NDSA’s 92nd Annual Convention & Trade Show in Fargo, N.D..
Shawn Ratts of Montpelier, N.D., was recognized for 10 years of service to the NDSA as a full-time brand inspector. Ratts currently works as the inspector-in-charge at Jamestown Livestock Auction in Jamestown, N.D., and Wishek Livestock Market in Wishek, N.D. In 2008, Ratts was hired on as a full-time inspector. From 2014 to 2019, he worked as a local brand inspector for the NDSA before resuming a full-time position again in 2019. He and his wife Sarah have three children, son Charley and daughters Lilly and Emily.
Mary Goeres of Bismarck, N.D., was honored for 30 years of service to the NDSA as the administrative assistant. Goeres began her career at the NDSA in 1989 as the association’s secretary, in charge of membership. Three years later, she moved to the administrative position. In 2002, she moved to Dickinson before returning in 2005 to serve as the animal identification coordinator, the brand recorder and again as the administrative assistant. She and her husband Harvey reside in Bismarck, N.D.
Hal Kramer of Towner, N.D., was also honored for 30 years of service to the NDSA as a full-time brand inspector. He is currently serving as the inspector-in-charge at Rugby Livestock Auction in Rugby, N.D. Kramer has also served as the inspector-in-charge at the Williston, N.D., and Devils Lake N.D., markets. Kramer judges rodeos and ranch rodeos throughout the state.
Mark Kramer of Granville, N.D., was celebrated for 35 years of service to the NDSA as a full-time brand inspector. Kramer currently works as the inspector-in-charge at Lake Region Livestock in Devils Lake, N.D., and manages and inspects at the Towner Ranchers Scale Association in Towner, N.D. Kramer has served as the inspector-in-charge at other North Dakota markets including Carrington, Harvey, Minot and Rugby and assisted at Kist Livestock Auction in Mandan over the course of his career. He and his wife Carol have two children, son Rusty and daughter Nicole, and three grandchildren.
“The NDSA has a fantastic staff dedicated to the organization and the industry,” said NDSA President Jeff Schafer, a New Rockford, N.D., cow-calf producer and feeder. “We are grateful for everything they do 365 days a year.”