
WISHEK, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Oakes Volleyball team defeated the South Border Mustangs in Wishek in 5 sets last evening.

Coach Katelyn Hagen with her input on the win. “We started to find our rhythm the last couple sets and were able to see what we could do with different personnel. At one point we had three freshman making plays for us that really helped boost the momentum. ”

“I’m proud of the leaders on the court for creating an environment where all of my players feel they can go in and contribute and want to go work hard. These girls know they can compete and keep getting better.
Beth Harris led us at the serving line with 4 aces followed by Abby Cox with 2.
Abby Cox had 15 kills while Laikyn Roney had 12.
Beth Harris had 20 assists while Abby Cox had 15.
Lily Thorpe controlled the net with 13 blocks while Laikyn Roney had 9 and Abby Cox with 4.
Our back row was excellent with Brynn Dethlefsen leading the way with 19 digs, Laikyn Roney with 18, freshman kassidy Jackson with 16, Abby Cox with 16 and Beth Harris with 9. “
“Each girl who stepped on the court tonight got on the stat sheet and that says something about our depth. We have options that work best against different teams and we’re excited where this team can go.”
The Tornadoes are back in action Thursday on the road to take on Barnes County North High School for a 7:30pm match.