
FARGO, ND. ( – The turnover bug bit Jamestown four times on Friday night in Fargo as the Blue Jays fell to Shanley, 33-13.

Jamestown got on the scoreboard in the first quarter after Jackson Walters connected with Brode Hillstrom for 44 yards and a score to put the Blue Jays in front 7-0. Shanley would go on to score the next 26 points and take a 26-7 lead into the halftime break.

In the second half, the lone score for Jamestown came in the third quarter when Walters took it himself into the endzone on a two-yard rush. The Walters touchdown was set up after he hit Devin Beach for 40 yards through the air. Walters finished the game unofficially 12-20 for 195 yards, two total touchdowns, and three interceptions.

Adam Kallenbach and Hillstrom each had a team-high three receptions for the Blue Jays on Friday night. Kallenbach ended as the leader in reception yards with 55. On the ground, Walters was the leading rusher with 25 yards.

Jamestown now sits at 4-1 overall, having already locked up the #1 seed in the WDA this year with a 4-0 conference record. The Blue Jays return home next Friday to Ernie Gates Field for the final time as they take on Valley City at 7 pm.