VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – A New Horizon Elm tree, a Dutch Elm Disease resistant elm, was planted in City Park in honor of Peggy Lee, an American jazz and popular singer/song writer/actress who had her start in Barnes County.
She made her way to Hollywood to sing with Benny Goodman and from there, her career skyrocketed.
Myron and Jennice Sommerfeld along with their daughter Bonnie donated the tree, which will be a long lasting tribute to Peggy Lee. The Myron Sommerfeld Orchestra has held a number of concerts featuring Peggy Lee’s music recently and over the years.
The Image and Beautification Committee of Valley City, a volunteer group dedicated to beautifying Valley City through the planting and care of trees/shrubs, facilitated the planting and did the actual digging.
If anyone would like to donate a tree to be planted in Valley City please contact Sharon Buhr, Chair, at 840-0973.