
BISMARCK, N.D. (ND G&F) – The North Dakota Game and Fish Department continues to monitor an ongoing epizootic hemorrhagic disease outbreak.

To date, the most heavily affected area is along a portion of the Missouri River extending from just south of Bismarck/Mandan to the Garrison Dam, as well as a smaller area near Williston.

“With the help of public reports, we are able to get a pretty good idea on where the outbreak is occurring,” said Casey Anderson, Department wildlife division chief. “Tracking an outbreak like this would not be possible without the publics involvement.”

EHD is a naturally occurring virus spread by a biting midge that is often fatal to white-tailed deer, and less commonly to mule deer, pronghorn and elk. Humans are not susceptible to the virus.

The Department would like to thank those who have sent in reports. Based on these continuing reports along the Missouri River of white-tailed deer mortality attributed to EHD, the North Dakota Game and Fish Department is now offering refunds for returned licenses from the special herd reduction bow season license holders in south Bismarck/Mandan and northern Burleigh County.

EHD outbreaks rapidly slow after a series of hard frosts kill the midge that transmits the virus. Department personnel will monitor reports they receive through the opening weekend of pheasant season. We will then determine in which units the severity of the outbreak warrants refunds for the gun hunting season for those seeking refunds.

The public is asked to continue reporting any dead deer to the Game and Fish Department through the online wildlife mortality reporting system at