JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The flu shot continues to be the most effect way to combat contracting the flu during the fall and winter.
Central Valley Health Unit Administrator Robin Iszler says flu season typically ranges from November through April of the following year. She added getting the flu vaccine remains the best way to limit the spread and stay safe.
Iszler says to get ahead of flu season, they begin offering both the regular flu shot and high dose shot for the older population in October.
Strains of influenza can vary around the world from year to year, so Iszler says officials watch what strain is spreading to determine which vaccine to administer.
Director of Health Promotions Shannon Klatt says it’s highly encouraged if you’re in the highly vulnerable population to get the flu vaccine when it’s available.
To get a jump start, Klatt says Central Valley Health is planning flu vaccination clinics through the Fall to ensure everyone has access to getting the shot.
Vaccine clinics will also be hosted inside schools across Stutsman County and businesses who wish to host a flu shot day. Iszler estimates upwards of 3,000 flu vaccinations are distributed each year in Stutsman County.
Shots are also available through your local pharmacy or health care provider.
If you’re interested in the upcoming flu vaccination clinic in Stutsman County on October 1st, visit centralvalleyhealth.org or call Central Valley Health at 701-252-8130.
Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Robin Iszler & Shannon Klatt below: