JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Both the Jamestown Finance & Legal Committee and Stutsman County Commission heard from the Jamestown/Stutsman Development Corporation (JSDC) regarding various projects that needed funding.
The first of these requests was for expansion of the James Valley Career and Tech Center (JVCTC).
JSDC Business Development Manager Corry Shevlin informed both entities that the primary purpose of the request was to expand learning opportunities for area students that will help the greater Jamestown area and sustain a stronger workforce.
Shevlin says the funds are approximately 10% of a $1.36 million proposal that will directly impact multiple areas including health careers, building trades, aviation, family and consumer sciences, agriculture, and more.
Shevlin says after a presentation to the JSDC, it was decided to deobligate $100,000 for the Career Builders Program and approve the request of $131,500 for the JVCTC.
Both the County Commission and Finance & Legal Committee unanimously approved. The cost will be an 80/20 split with $105,200 from the city and $26,300 from the county.
The next request from the JSDC was regarding funding of Infrastructure for Residential Development.
Shevlin says with all the projects they’ve been working on, additional jobs are being added.
The study would help the JSDC form an accurate depiction of what infrastructure improvements will be needed to facilitate for additional housing developments and what potential costs are associated with the improvements.
Jamestown Mayor Dwaine Heinrich says this has been an item of discussion in recent months.
The request for $50,000 was unanimously approved by the Jamestown Finance & Legal Committee with 100% of the funding coming from the City of Jamestown Economic development Fund.
The final request was for funding of up to $160,000 on a 90/10 City and County split for projects at the Spiritwood Energy Park Association (SEPA).
Shevlin says SEPA was notified by USDA Rural Development that in order to obtain funding of the $1M REDLG loan through Northern Plains Electric and needed to update their Environmental Assessment (EA). SEPA would also use funding for services regarding the ADM/Marathon soybean processing facility and Houweling’s Greenhouse project.
The funding was unanimously approved by both entities.