JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The COVID-19 Pandemic has shown a need for improved audio and video of County Commission and Park Board meetings.
That’s according to Director of IT Josh Smaage.
Smaage informed the Stutsman County Commission that he has collected quotes on different equipment and features that range between $35,000 and $97,000.
He informed the commission that they may want to explore options between those figures.
Smaage says they could improve the audio/video for the meeting room and add different features later. Smaage says they would look at adding displays for the commission and public when they attend meetings. Displays at each desk would also be explored for each commissioner to view meeting documents and requests.
Audiowise, microphones would be added to improve meeting audio streamed as well as those who call-in to the meetings. This would include adding speakers to improve communication quality.
Smaage says they could also install a podium to assist the commission with speakers and presenters.
The commission will further discuss the project at their next meeting in October.
You can watch the recent Stutsman County Commission meeting below: