VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Beginning Monday September 13, 2021, the eastbound parking lane between 2nd Avenue and 3rd Avenue will be closed for construction operations.
The roadway will remain open to thru traffic. Parking will be allowed on the north side of Main Street. A portion of the sidewalk on the south side of the road between 2nd Avenue and 3rd Avenue up to the midblock from the west on Main Street will be removed; however, the sidewalk immediately adjacent to the building will remain in place. Pedestrians are to use the temporary crossings and channeling devices to access businesses. Construction operations are still ongoing between Central Avenue and 2nd Avenue.
Updated maps for all road closures will be posted on the City of Valley City’s webpage http://www.valleycity.us/engineers/ when they are taking affect. If you have any questions regarding the project, please contact KLJ at (701)‐845‐4980.