
VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Recent rains have cleaned the air and stimulated plant growth with fervor. Isn’t it beautiful?

Cancer Screening: Last week I had a colonoscopy in our CHI Hospital. A shout out to those folks for their caring, professionalism, and efficiency. They made me feel comfortable and welcome throughout the whole process. Speaking of process, the preparation and anesthesia have been changed for the better since my last one, “A piece of cake”. Thank you to all of you at CHI.

High school and university activities are under way and kudos to all of you who are out there competing. There are many life’s lessons in citizenship and sportsmanship to be learned in practices, games and while “hanging with friends”. Down the road there will be a few competitions remembered, but mostly, there will be relationships remembered for your lifetime. So, players, coaches and parents, “enjoy the journey”.

Sanford Health COVID Hospitalizations: Of 136 hospitalized, 129 were not vaccinated. Of 37 in ICU, 35 were not vaccinated. Of 19 on ventilators, 18 were not vaccinated. Get vaccinated, IT WORKS!

Good news, a number of our road construction projects are nearing completion. Everyone, please patronize the businesses in construction zones as there are safe walking paths to all. Thank you all for your patience.

The Valley City Barnes County Public Library has been recognized as an “Excelling Library” for the second consecutive year. Thanks to all at the library for your commitment to excellence.

Blessings, Be Respectful, Be Kind and Pray.

Dave Carlsrud


Valley City, ND