CASSELTON, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – It’s open to pilots, drivers and passengers as well as airplanes, motorcycles, cars and pickups. The 2021 Poker Run & Car Show will be held Saturday, September 18th at the airport in Casselton, North Dakota.
Event coordinator Jon Kreilcamp said there will be a free will pancake breakfast starting at 7am and the Poker Run starts at 8am at any of the participating locations along the way.
He said the Red River Valley Veterans Concert Band will entertain the crowd with WWII Era Big Band Music starting at 5pm. Bring a lawn chair. Free hamburgers for registrants, but also available for purchase from 4pm to 6pm. The $20 fee pays for the meal, the Poker Run is free. Best hand receives $500 in cash. The full interview with Jon Kreilcamp is attached below.
The event is sponsored by the Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 317 and Mike Lerud.