JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – A large, purple RV sat in a Jamestown parking lot Friday morning, filled with signatures from across the country from those who support equal voting rights.
VoteEqualityUS has been advocating for equality representation from all 50 states with the hope that one day, the ERA will make it’s way into the U.S. Constitution. The organization has been using their Rural Vote Getter (RVG) to collect signatures and raise awareness for the 28th Amendment.
Jessica Kujala is the RVG driver and VoteEqualityUS Co-Founder.
Kujala says the RV stands as a physical representation of equal rights and hopes it will inspire those who sign it to share their passion for getting the 28th Amendment added to the Constitution.
Barb Lang is a local advocate for equal rights.
The RV will continue its Midwest tour through North Dakota with a planned stop today (August 27th) in Valley City, Grand Forks on August 28th, and finishing in Fargo on August 29th.
For more information, visit voteequality.us.
Find photos from the Jamestown stop below: