Make & Model. In his efforts to scout out productive new areas for catfish in the Red River’s historically low flows, the author is finding a number of cars as well this season. DEO Photo by Brad Durick.
By Brad Durick
Rains last weekend brought flows on the Red River up a little bit.
It’s not enough to really see it on the gauges but if you are out there every day you notice it. The catfish have responded to the little influx very positively and if you can find current you will find more fish. As with last week, the catfish are still lined up on that inside shelf. It seems the active fish will be on your baits fairly quickly, but don’t leave too fast as there might be another one along soon.
All baits were working with frog and frozen sucker being the best. I would give the edge to sucker but I don’t think it really matters. The highlight of my week on the river was going back to shoot side imaging on some vehicles I found on previous trips. Many have asked why I am finding more cars this year than in previous years. The answer is that I normally have a pattern and don’t image all that much. This season, I have been searching for fish and finding cars.
Brad Durick is a Dakota Edge Outdoors contributing writer and a licensed ND fishing guide specializing in trophy catfish on the Red River in and around Grand Forks.