Photo and article courtesy of Stutsman County 4-H
BISMARCK, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The State 4-H Shotgun Match was held August 14, 2021 at the Capital City Sporting Clays in Bismarck.
Stutsman County 4-H had one participant who was in the senior division, and he competed in all three divisions. Trace Christ, a Bows, Bullets & Bullseyes 4-H club member from Wimbledon, was one of a total of 37 senior shooters. All 37 participated in Trap where Christ placed in the top 10 being one of 3 with a score of 90 (8th, 9th and 10th places).
29 contestants also shot skeet and clays. Christ placed 5th in skeet with a 41, and placed in the top 10 in clays being one of three with a score of 39 (7th, 8th and 9th place). He placed 5th overall (total of all three).
If you would like more information on 4-H shooting sports or Stutsman County 4-H, please contact Robin at the NDSU Extension Stutsman County office at 252-9030.